Vanished (HardEggGames) Mac OS

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  1. Vanished (hardegggames) Mac Os Catalina
  2. Vanished (hardegggames) Mac Os Download
  3. Vanished (hardegggames) Mac Os X

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Summary: This blog helps you restore the Mac when recovery partition is missing or not found.
Do avail the trial version of Stellar Data Recovery Professional software if need for data recovery arises.

Recovery HD is a hidden partition on your macOS and OS X. In times of macOS corruption or other notorious troubles where OS doesn't perform as expected, you can use the Recovery HD to restore Mac to default settings. However, restoring Mac OS X will remove all the data that exists on your hard drive. On a brighter side, it will eliminate the macOS corruption and Macintosh HD will be occupied with a fresh copy of OS X.

Tip: Backups are recommended

Restoring a Mac is as simple as anything

  1. Press Option key before startup
  2. Click RecoveryHD
  3. Select ‘ReinstallmacOS'
  4. Click ‘Continue'

With the above wizard, the Mac will be restored to macOS. The process is simple and intuitive since the Recovery HD partition is easily accessible.

How Recovery HD goes Missing?

This hidden but helpful partition may get deleted when Apple's hard drive is partitioned incorrectly. Other instances of loosing or deleting Recovery HD would be the installation of Windows OS, Linux OS on the hard disk drive. At times, the user also loses the Recovery HD by accidentally wiping it from the Mac.

Vanished (hardegggames) Mac Os Catalina

In absence of Recovery HD partition, it is almost impossible to restore a Mac unless a bootable USB isn't available.

Startup Menu!

Check whether your iMac or MacBook computer is still showing a workable Recovery HD? Use the below steps for locating the Recovery HD partition:

  1. Switch off the Mac system and turn it on again
  2. Without delay, press the Option key to launch Mac's startup drive menu
  3. Once the startup drive menu is loaded you may locate the Recovery HD alongside your startup disk. However, if the Recovery HD is missing then you can confirm its loss or deletion
  4. Restart macOS since Recovery HD isn't found

Mighty Terminal!

  • Launch Terminal and type diskutil list
  • The terminal will throw you an output as below:
  • Usually, Recovery HD is listed third from the top i.e. disk0s3

If the terminal displays your Recovery HD in the list of all mounted partitions then you should launch Recovery Mode however you must reset the PRAM.

Also ReadList of Top 5 Mac Hard Disk Drive Repair Software

Internet Recovery!

No luck in locating the Recovery HD partition even after the Terminal shows it up, then you must take the help of Internet Recovery. This option is available for Mac to reinstall macOS using the Internet. Follow below processes:

  1. Shut down the Mac and power it up
  2. Press and hold Command + Option + R until the screen displays a globe with the message 'Starting Internet Recovery. This may take a while'
  3. Soon the macOS utilities will load on the screen, which will provide the option ‘Reinstall macOS'.

After a successful installation of the macOS through Internet Recovery, the missing / deleted or lost Recovery HD will also be restored.

Mac Data Recovery Software

A data recovery software can't restore OS X neither it can provide any help in locating a missing Recovery HD. However, Stellar Data Recovery Professional for Mac helps the user to boot up a corrupt or inaccessible Mac and recover files from the startup disk. Once data is salvaged from the troublesome Mac startup drive, the user can then go ahead with the Mac restore.

Even though native Mac and Linux support is not currently available, there are ways to have Banished running on your computer.


  • A copy of Banished. Find out where to buy.

Tested on

Vanished (hardegggames) Mac Os Download

  • MacBook Pro Retina 13', late 2013, Intel Iris Graphics 1GB, MacOS 10.9.1, standalone game
  • MacBook Pro Retina 15', early 2013, NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024MB, OS X 10.9.1 (13B42), standalone game
  • MacBook Pro 13', Mid 2012, Intel HD 4000 Graphics 1GB, MacOS 10.9.1, standalone game
  • MacBook Pro 15', mid 2009, NVIDIA 9400M and 9600M GT, MacOS 10.8.5, standalone game
  • MacBook Air, Intel HD 5000 1GB, MacOS 10.8, standalone game
  • MacBook Air, Intel HD 4000 gfx, Steam version
  • Hackintosh NVIDIA GeForce GTX260, wine 1.7.13, standalone 32-bit game
  • Ubuntu, Radeon 6950, Steam version

Installation guide

  1. Install or update PlayOnMac for Mac or PlayOnLinux for Linux users
Install Wine
  1. Add the latest Wine to your local Wine versions (*Menu bar > Tools > Manage Wine Versions*)
  2. Click on 'Install a Program' on the right of the Play on Mac/Play on Linux window, then on 'Install a non-listed program' on the bottom of the next window
  3. In the wizard, first step, choose 'Install a program in a new virtual drive'
  4. Give your drive a name
  5. Tick 'Use another version of wine' and 'Install some libraries'
  6. Select the Wine version you installed before
  7. Once the machine is set-up, you have to choose the libraries to install, which are: POL_install_d3dx9 and POL_install_xact
  8. Then you have to chose an exe to run. This differs if you are using Steam or not.
    • Without Steam (easiest and recommended) - Just select the Banished standalone installer, and click next. Once installed, Play on Mac/Play on Linux window will ask you if you want to create a shortcut, select the Banished 32bits exe (ery important), click next, rename the shortcut if you want, click next, click 'I don't want ...' and next
    • With Steam (which is not my case but should work. But you should use the standalone version) - Download the Steam Windows Installer on the official Steam site first, then select the installer exe with the 'browse' button, and let Steam install and update itself. Once done, close it, Play on Mac/Play on Linux window will ask you to create a shortcut, choose the Steam.exe, click next, rename it into SteamBanished or something similar (if you install multiple Steam games, each one should require it's own virtual drive, meaning its own Steam, thats why renaming it is not stupid), click next, click 'I don't want ...' click next. In the Play on Mac/Play on Linux window select the Steam shortcut you just created, then click on 'configure' on the right, and type '-no-dwrite' in the Arguments field (this corrects an error message you may have had, and corrects a graphical glitch on the Steam program itself). Close the window, run Steam, install banished, close everything and return to the Play on Mac/Play on Linux window.
  9. Then, for both Steam and non-Steam, in the Play on Mac/Play on Linux window, select the shortcut you just created, then click on 'configure' (not 'settings') in the right column
  10. In the window that opened, select 'display' tab then change GSLS support to disabled (this is for the graphics glitch)
  11. Then on the 'Miscellaneous' tab, click on 'Open program's directory' browse to the banished install directory (if not on Steam, you should be right on it) and rename or remove the two VideoDX11 dll files (on't touch the VideoDX9 files !)
  12. Close the window, double click the shortcut in the Play on Mac/Play on Linux window and enjoy.


  • If you have some weird flickering, turn off vsync in the game's graphic options
  • If you are on Steam and the game still crashes, it may be because Steam launches the 64-bit executable by default. Simply rename the 64-bit exe to something else, and rename the duplicate 32-bit .exe to the original 64-bit name. Or find another way to make Steam launch the 32-bit version.
  • If you are on Steam and the game works but freezes/hard-locks once you hit a key, try disabling Steam overlay.
  • If you have an issue with no sound on the 32-bit standalone version, install the DirectX package mentioned at: in Wine.

Vanished (hardegggames) Mac Os X

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